Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas and My Grandmother

I have special memories of my Scottish Grandmother at Christmastime, and had wanted to share this with you last month. Time got away from me, the post was written, but never made it to this blog, but I'm going to go ahead and share it with you now.

I think of my maternal Grandmother at this time of year, because each Christmas, for as many years as she was able, not only did we sit and polish silver with her for the holiday dinner, but she made Scotch Shortbread.

She came to America from Scotland through Ellis Island when she was 12 years old. Her father came over first, and set up a business, then sent for my great-grandmother, my grandmother and her 2 sisters and brother. I have letters that my great-grandmother and great-grandfather wrote to each other...she was unable to come over as quickly as great-grandpa hoped she would, because their little 5 year old daughter, my grandmother's little sister, contracted Leukemia, and did not survive. It is heart-wrenching to read the letters, and how my great-grandfather wished he could be home with his little girl in her last days. But that wasn't to be, and very shortly after her passing, my great-grandmother packed up my grandmother, her sister and her brother and boarded a ship for America. Can you imagine doing all that? I can't.

It was a treat each year to have my grandparents with us for Christmas as they lived in the suburbs of Boston, 5 hours away. I have carried on her tradition of baking shortbread each year.

I did write more about this, and have our recipe at another spot on the web, "Grandma's Scotch Shortbread and Scotland". It includes the story above in a bit more detail, if I remember correctly, and a video of Scotland, the only way I've been able to visit so far. It would be nice to one day visit the land of my ancestors.

Updated 11/28/18

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