Yesterday I decided to take my 14-month old grandson to the Mall. What a treat it was for both of us! Instead of pushing him around in his stroller, I decided to give him the same experience his mom and I have when we go together---walking and window shopping.
What a treat it was for EVERYBODY! Just like my daughter was when she was little, my grandson is a showstopper...a real entertainer...and he performed brilliantly for anyone who was willing to stop, watch and listen.
All anyone had to do was smile at him and that was his cue to clap his hands, do a little dance and belt out his version of Whatever! A few times he got a little out of control and grandma had to be mean---but it was all of the spirit of love and no-no.
He took his first trip on the escalator and he loved it. He enjoyed it so much that he cried when he tried to get me to go back up again and I wouldn't. He was also fascinated by the mannequins but didn't dare touch them. I don't think his little mind could process exactly why a life-like figure would just be standing in the middle of a department store and doing absolutely nothing. (Sounds like some teenagers I know).
Just before leaving the mall, my grandson decided he wanted to crawl under one of the tables in the men's department and play a game of "catch me if you can." He quickly discovered grandma wasn't in the mood, which made him cry again. His tears caught the attention of a stranger who wanted to console him. She asked for a hug and after a moment, my grandson reached out to her. Then he put out that great big smile and all was well again.
The whole mall experience was a video camera moment but, of course, I didn't have one. But the memory of hanging out at the mall with my grandson will live in my heart forever!
Originally posted 11/2007 by Beverly Mahone
Updated 11/27/18